
1. 预习 (老师可以介绍视频涉及的话题,或者播放视频但静音) Warm up (preview the video without audio)。
  • 让学生预测10个视频中会出现的中文单词(如果学生无法写出中文单词,可用英文代替,目的是让学生预测视频内容,有目的性地观看视频 )。
  • 学生将自己写出的10个词与同桌交换,让对方写出英文/中文对应的意思。
2. 第一遍观看 First-time Video Review
  • 在预测单词中,圈出你在视频中听到的单词。
  • 标出每一个词出现的次数。
  • 把你在视频中听到的其他词列出来。
3. 第二遍观看 Second-time Video Review
  • 老师给学生发放单词表,表中均是视频中出现的词汇。学生边看视频边标出每个词出现的顺序。
  • 和同桌探讨词义并朗读词汇。
4. 第三遍观看 Comprehensive Video Review
  • 把视频中的人物和与他们相关的事实/对话片段/想法进行连线。
  • 给出对话或段落空白,让学生填空。
5. 口语及写作练习 Interpersonal and Presentational Tasks
  • 描述视频中的人物及故事背景 (Describe the characters or setting)。
  • 讨论故事人物的行为、情感、及对话 (Discuss the video characters’ actions, emotions, dialogue)。
  • 采访同学,并讨论与视频内容相关的话题 (Interview classmates on topic raised in the video)。
  • 针对视频内容,抒发个人观点及看法 (Discuss own interests or opinions relevant to the video)。
  • 为视频续写故事线 (Create further dialogue to continue the scene)。
  • 根据视频中的情景,编写新的对话 (Create new dialogue based on different visual information in the video)。
  • 根据视频续写故事结尾,或另选角度改写故事内容 (Create a story to continue the video or supply an alternative interpretation)。
示范教案  老师们可以根据这些提示自由发挥,将视频与教学活动相结合,灵活设计属于自己的中文教学活动。以下是一个西游记视频活动的示范教案,希望对老师们有所帮助。
(Click the "Enter" button to play the video)
Time: 30-40 mins
老师们也可以根据自己的教学情况灵活使用不同主题、不同类型的视频,比如与中国节庆相关、能够配合生字教学或者简单的人物传记等。若是需要更多关于课堂设计与教学材料上的信息,请联系我们的account managers: Kelly, David and Amy.
Want to have more videos and ideas for in-class activities? Check out our online interactive animations on Chinese festivals, Chinese characters, and biographies or contact our account managers for assistance: Kelly, David and Amy.
Want your child to speak and use Chinese based on state-adopted curriculum? Better Chinese Plus is the home version of our state-adopted program with video and personalized instructions. The learning pathway provides a clear alignment with the ACTFL proficiency standards. Each lesson is powered by patented technologies to help your child more effectively learn characters, vocabulary, and expressions. Each video lesson is moderated by at least 2 teachers with different styles. Each lesson practice is individualized by AI to ensure acquisition of language skills. Our program leverages technologies to provide the most effective hybrid solutions for your child. You can add physical books to remind them what they are learning as well as empowering them with what they know. Connect with a BC+ Sherpa to further help your child through structured guidance. Sign-up for 14 days for free. Learn, retain, and enjoy learning Chinese anytime!


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