See You at ACTFL 2013
- 20% off* on all curriculum
- Free gifts when visiting our booth
- Discovering Chinese Pro $50
One year subscription of all four volumes on iPad and Web
- Modern Chinese $50
Volume 1 textbooks + workbooks bundle plus iPad subscription
*10% off plus 10% more if you refer a friend. Up to $1,000 purchase. ACTFL conference only, no POs accepted. We also prepared two sessions to familiarize teachers on why Modern Chinese and Discovering Chinese Pro are worth using. Don't miss out on our Workshops for:- Modern Chinese: An Innovative, 2-Year Introductory College Program
Friday, November 22nd at 11 AM in Workshop Room #1, West Building
- Discovering Chinese Pro: Creating a Holistic iPad Classroom
Saturday, November 23rd at 11 AM in Workshop Room #1, West Building
See you at ACTFL!