Homeschool Chinese: My Family Tree

One of the projects the kids recently did with Shawn was to construct a family tree in Chinese and present it orally. To not overwhelm them, they didn't show all of their family relationships.
As an amateur genealogist, I was particularly intrigued with this assignment as it gave us an opportunity to discuss family members who the children had not met (great grandparents). We had a great time pulling out the photo albums and selecting photos for the project. I enjoyed passing down our family stories as we turned each page.
There are many ways in which to explore genealogy with kids beginning with the youngest of learners. I share a few with you in a post I wrote on my homeschool blog, Genealogy with Kids.
Want your child to speak and use Chinese based on state-adopted curriculum? Better Chinese Plus is the home version of our state-adopted program with video and personalized instructions. The learning pathway provides a clear alignment with the ACTFL proficiency standards. Each lesson is powered by patented technologies to help your child more effectively learn characters, vocabulary, and expressions. Each video lesson is moderated by at least 2 teachers with different styles. Each lesson practice is individualized by AI to ensure acquisition of language skills. Our program leverages technologies to provide the most effective hybrid solutions for your child. You can add physical books to remind them what they are learning as well as empowering them with what they know. Connect with a BC+ Sherpa to further help your child through structured guidance. Sign-up for 14 days for free. Learn, retain, and enjoy learning Chinese anytime!