Homeschool Chinese: Introducing Eva

Welcome to our very first Homeschool Chinese feature here on the Better Chinese blog! Written by Eva, herself a homeschooling mom with two kids who are learning Mandarin Chinese, this feature will run regularly on Friday to bring you a special perspective on learning Chinese at home. Nihao 你好, I'm so excited to meet you all. My name is Eva and I am a homeschool mom to two children, Meili (age 10) and Jiejie (age 7). In the summer before my daughter's sixth birthday, China was all over the media due in part to the Beijing Olympics and she expressed to me, "Mom, I want to learn Chinese." ChineseHomeschoolMom I have to admit that her desire caught me by surprise. I speak Spanish fluently and had enjoyed teaching them a few phrases now and then. When the children were infants, we had even become fairly proficient in communicating with one another using American Sign Language. However, she was insistent even after I attempted to persuade her otherwise [*gasp]. With a little effort, I was able to find a native speaker to work with her and am proud to say she now begins her fifth year of Mandarin instruction. My son began his study of Mandarin a year ago - he was 6 years old when he started. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing but we are delighted with the progress they have made, particularly in the past year. I look forward to sharing our journey of adventure with you. Eva


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