We love summer and want to celebrate with our special Summer Storypacks.
Regularly priced over $85, enjoy our entire online story library (1400+ animated stories*) plus a curriculum series of your choice for just $45** from activation date to August 31, 2014.
Don’t let all your hard work over the school year go to waste. With our Summer Storypacks, you can keep your eyes and ears tuned into Chinese all summer long. Pick from the largest library of Chinese digital stories ever! Review a lesson; sing-a-long with popular children’s songs; learn about traditional Chinese idioms or fairytales; and much more from any device.
Enjoy the ease of summer and continue your Chinese language learning from the comfort of your couch at home, a vacation home in Hawaii or anywhere else in the world.
Happy summer reading.
* All stories in Chinese with English subtitles.
** Each summer pack is $30. The sooner you buy the more you save! Buy today to get a whole summer's worth of stories!