Challenges in Implementing New Mandarin Programs in 2009
OK. We are mid-way into January. President Elect Obama will be inaugurated next Tuesday. Lots of excitements, but on the way to work today, I heard some grim news on NPR. California is facing budget crisis and is finding ways to cut spending and generate new revenues for the coming year. Of course, this has been on the gorvenor's agenda for the past year, but hearing about the new proposals of cutting bus routes and so on for students is disconcerning.
I heard from a Chicago Public Schools' magnet program that their budget are affected this year. There is another article about Mandarin Chinese not being implemented at Julian Curtiss Elementary, CT this year, because of the budget and trade-offs with the exisiting World Language programs. Read the full article here.
Whether you're an administrator or teacher, I would like to hear your thoughts about implementing Mandarin programs this year. On the other hand, it's such a critical skill for the future, different communities are finding different ways to sustain their programs. What are some of the ways, if at all, that you're doing or thinking. Please share with us.
May 2009 be a peaceful year & productive year.