Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here
I have trouble doing recording exercises.
Where can I find the Modern Chinese Teacher's Guide?
My First Chinese Word and I Love Chinese English Translation
What is the Online Story Library?
Can I get a free online trial?
How Long does it take to complete a certain series?
Can I share my online account with other people?
Can I find user guides of you online learning system?
How do I track my order?
What is your return policy?
Online Learning System
Why can't I view animations?
My account is expired but it should not be, what should I do?
Better Immersion FAQs
Is the subject content too challenging? 《中文游》的内容是不是很具有挑战性?
How is Better Immersion meeting the CCSS and content standards requirements?《中文游》的设计是如何达到共同核心课程标准和内容标准的?
Is Better Immersion challenging enough for native speakers?《中文游》对母语为中文的学生来说,是不是足够有挑战性?
How is Better Immersion beneficial to students?《中文游》是如何有效帮助学生学习中文的?
Product Information
What is the difference between Online Lessons and the CD-ROM?
What is the Online Learning System?
Do you offer teacher training?
How long does it take to complete a certain series?
Why Better Chinese?
Where can I find more information about Better Chinese products?
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